Friday, October 21, 2016

Garden Story

Night of the Dead Rider 8:20 P.M.The Dead Rider roams the night . He rides a flamin’ motorcycle , possesses Vast Superhuman physical attributes such as cellular regeneration, flame breathe , uses dual shotguns and An Enchanted chain . One night Mr .Grimm ,Ellias , Dante , Austin , Issac and Salvador were out In the streets , until The Dead Rider Attacks The boys . The Dead Rider Demon captures and tortures Salvador . The six boys use their slingshots but the slingshots have no effect . Boomerangs ,nunchucks, (AKA Nunchuckas ’ ) c’rossbows , sias and knives but nothin` works .The six boys were scared for their lives and began to ran away . Suddenly Super-Venom appears out of nowhere and incinerates the Dead Rider ! The rest of the boys and a badly beaten Sal All return home ! THE END Forest Story